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  • Writer's picturePromise Jackson

How to Save Tiktok Drafts to Camera Roll

Knowing how to take advantage of drafts can make managing your TikTok content much simpler. Filming, storing, and modifying TikTok drafts are all quite simple processes.

TikTok is gradually becoming the best place to share short videos online. Most people have built their careers on this platform, and that’s making it an appealing option for others to share their content with the world.

The drafts feature on TikTok makes it simple for producers to edit and preview their work, enabling them to continue working on their movies even before they decide to publish them.

Here's a guide on using TikTok drafts.

How to Create TikTok Draft

1. Start TikTok.

2. To access the camera screen, use the + button.

3. Use the pink record button to record something, or upload a video from your collection.

4. Click next after tapping the pink tick.

5. To save it as a draft, click the "Drafts" button in the lower-left corner of the screen.

Your draft video will show up in a special folder at the top of your profile page once you've saved it.

How to Edit TikTok Draft

You can always go back and modify or add to your draft after you've saved it.

1. To access your drafts, hit the "Drafts" section on your profile page.

2. To edit a draft, tap on it to open it.

3. Click "Back" in the top left corner to edit the video directly. You can add new clips, music, filters, voiceovers, and more at this point. Once you're satisfied, select next once more.

4. You can alter the video's cover image, hashtags, and privacy information on the main screen.

5. Select the "Drafts" button to save it as a draft once more, and select the "Submit" button to post it to your profile.

How to Save Tiktok Draft to Camera Roll

After filming a draft, you can decide that you want to save the video but not necessarily post it. Fortunately, there is a way to save the video you shot despite the fact that there is no direct way to save it to your camera roll.

1. The video you wish to save is in your drafts folder. To get to the alternatives, click "Next."

2. Replace "Who can see this video" with "Only me" where it says that.

3. Make sure the "Save video" option is selected under "additional choices" and is toggled on.

4. To post your video, tap "Post."

5. Your video should be in your camera roll, so check there.

How to Save Video without TikTok Watermark

1. Open where you want to save the video

2. To view a preview of the video, click on the thumbnail.

3. To make room for your movie alone, tap the square in the top right corner to hide the menu options.

4. Use the screen recording feature on your device to capture the footage and store it to your camera roll.

How to delete Draft on TikTok

If you continue to record videos without sharing them, it's going to accumulate a large number of drafts, which may take up space on your phone. Fortunately, TikTok makes it easy to delete drafts. Below are the steps:

1. Visit your profile page and choose the Drafts tab.

2. In the top right corner, click "Select."

3. Choose which videos you want to remove.

4. At the bottom of the screen, click "Delete." To confirm, click delete once more on the pop-up.

It's also important to know that removing TikTok draft will also remove all of your stored drafts.

When you find a draft you entirely forgot about, it can be amusing. Drafts can be a terrific method to revise and save information without having to post it.

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